Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Decorating for Spring!

While I am most definitely NOT a fan of summer, and I cannot emphasize this enough, I am a fan of spring. It is the season of hope — hoping that I’ll find the right fruits, vegetables, and herbs for my garden, hoping they won’t succumb to insects or disease, hoping that I’ll break even in what I harvest versus what I’ve spent trying to grow them.

I find that my table settings and decor tend to reflect my gardening interests at this time of the year. If you feel the same, then you may enjoy seeing the lazy Susan that I have on my dining table. It’s a new acquisition, thanks to Pottery Barn rewards points. This is the first time, believe it or not, that I have ever owned a Lazy Susan, and I have to say that I am really enjoying it.

It pleases me every time I look at it because it is whimsical and fun. The bespectacled bunny poking his head out of the plant pot is from local favorite home decor store, The White Hare. The “Nibble” plates are Rae Dunn (Available on Amazon, but cheaper elsewhere.), the leafy-handled ladle and upright cabbage plate are by Fitz and Floyd, and serve as the base and serving ladle for a bunny gravy boat that I inherited from my mother. Seeds, that will no doubt be viable this year despite their purchase last year, are only a portion of what I expect to plant this year and are from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

The cylinder vase holds two leaves from two different varieties of sansevieria that have finally rooted after two months in water – yay!

The green salt and pepper shakers once adorned the dinner table of my mom and dad and now adorn mine.

 How do you celebrate spring in your decor?

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  1. I'm not much of a gardener, but I do love spring for being able to get my landscape in order. Spring here lasts a hot minute - it was 94 when I was driving home yesterday and we were under heat advisories for the whole weekend, so if you blinked you missed spring as we are now in full-on summer in Central Texas. Time to start working on my tan (:

  2. I wish I could decorate for the season with the enthusiasm and talent for it that you have!

  3. Adorable Pattie! Love the spectacles on your rabbit! {Psst, by the way, lazy Susans are great for painting and craft projects} The RD nibble plates are super cute too!

  4. OH i loVE that bunny and the post - interesting and beautiful.


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