Monday, August 1, 2022

Giada’s Lemon Spaghetti

I watch a lot of Italian television. A. LOT. My current favorites, for those of you who may have an interest, are Don Matteo, Imma Tataranni, Montalbano, and Bulletproof Heart. One thing about Italian television is that they eat a lot of delicious looking food. More often than once I have headed to Google to look up a recipe. In one episode I saw a bowl of lemon spaghetti that looked particularly good. A Google search brought up this recipe from Giada de Laurentis; I decided to give it a try, and loved it! It is lemony and fresh, and almost addicting in its deliciousness. It is the perfect pasta to serve on a hot summer day.

Giada’s Lemon Spaghetti

 1 lbspaghetti

2/3 c. extra virgin olive oil

2/3 c. freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus more for garnish

½ c. fresh squeezed lemon juice

½ c. (packed) sliced basil leaves

Salt and fresh cracked black pepper, to taste

Lemon zest for garnish

 Cook the spaghetti in lots of well-salted water.

 Meanwhile whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, and Parmesan cheese in a large bowl.

 When the pasta is cooked, transfer it with tongs to the bowl (it's ok if some of the pasta water comes with it.)

Immediately toss vigorously to get all the pasta coated in the lemony olive oil mixture. Add a little more pasta water if needed. Add salt to taste, if necessary, and black pepper. Note: as you toss the spaghetti it will absorb some of the sauce.

Add the fresh basil and give everything a last toss, and serve immediately with an extra sprinkle of cheese, lemon zest, and more fresh cracked black pepper.

(For an even quicker meal you can whisk the sauce together and stash in the fridge for a day or two. Do not slice the basil until ready to serve.)

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  1. I can almost smell this recipe and I have basil growing well in the garden! Hmmm…

  2. We love pasta and lemon- this sounds like a perfect recipe for us.. thanks

  3. Oh...I need some of this!! Showing this to my cook, lol.

  4. Yum! I like the sound of lemon pasta, and yours looks really good Pattie.

  5. I live on pasta and love lemons, so this dish is a win for me! Nice touch garnishing the plate with the pepper and basil. This could be on Giada's show for sure! 🍋


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