Thursday, August 3, 2023

Egg Salad with Kalamata Olives

I have no doubt mentioned before that I am an olive lover. I have quite the collection, and incorporate them into as many dishes as possible. It occurred to me that I hadn’t yet added them to egg salad, so that’s what I did. Basically I just added tasty Kalamata olives to my usual recipe for egg salad, and boy did it kick it up a notch! My guess is that I’m never going to make egg salad again without adding olives.
Egg Salad with Kalamata Olives

4 hard-boiled eggs.
½ c. chopped Kalamata olives*
½ c. finely chopped celery
1 T. capers
1 heaping t. Dijon mustard
1 heaping T. Duke’s mayonnaise
1 heaping T. sour cream
1 t. dill pickle juice
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

These are, essentially, the measurements that I used. When I’m making egg salad, I just throw things together. Generally speaking, here I used an equal portion of chopped eggs, olives, and celery, and then added the rest of the ingredients to get the flavor and the texture that I wanted. By no means consider this carved in stone. Do what you like here.

*I chopped my olives by throwing them into a little mini high-speed blender, and pulsing it a couple of times. That made it super easy to do.

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  1. Your photos always look so good, I'd have to have a bite before even getting it photographed. Adding olives is a GREAT idea for egg salad!

  2. I love olives too and although I don't eat eggs (vegan) egg salad used to me one of my favorites. That being said I think despite loving olives, I still would want my egg salad to look bright yellow- maybe I'd put the olives on the sandwich. I'm sure it was delicious.

  3. Some of my favourite things put together! Yummy!


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