Monday, October 2, 2023

Pasta with Spinach, Olives & Feta

I have been a journal keeper for the past 30 years, maybe longer. You can imagine how many spiral bound books of all shapes, types, and sizes, that I have filled throughout the years. The other day, while cleaning a bookcase, I decided to take a number of them down (comprising the years 1997 through 1998), and read them. I was struck by how frantically busy my life was at that time, wondering how on earth I managed to get everything done that I did, and still stay sane (although that is open to debate). I had written about an evening that the late Mr. O-P and I spent with friends. We used to socialize with two other couples. Sadly, of the six of us, I am the only one left. Our best friends at the time, I suppose, were Lenny and Stef. They were fun, whimsical, and serendipitous. I remember one afternoon Steffie called, said she wanted to try a new recipe, and invited us over for dinner. Two hours later we were relaxing with cocktails on their patio while she stirred up a pasta dish in the kitchen. I had forgotten all about that evening until I read about it in my journal. I also wrote that I loved the dish and wanted to ask for the recipe, but upon learning that Mr. O-P didn’t care for it, I didn’t pursue it.

I had described the recipe as pasta with spinach, olives, and feta. I got to wondering about that, so I googled those ingredients and came up with a number of different recipes. This one is a combination of all of them, and while I don’t remember at all what that dish tasted like in 1997, I will say that I quite enjoyed it when I had it last night.
Pasta with Spinach, Olives & Feta

8 oz. farfalle
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
1 T. balsamic vinegar
1 T. Melissa’s minced garlic
1½ T. capers
½ c. kalamata olives, pitted and halved
2 handfuls fresh baby spinach, chopped
1 4-oz. container feta
Freshly ground black pepper

Cook pasta according to package directions. While the pasta is cooking, in a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, vinegar, and garlic. Stir in capers, olives, spinach, feta, and black pepper. When pasta has finished cooking, drain and immediately dump it into the bowl with all of the other ingredients. The heat from the pasta will wilt the spinach. Toss to coat, and serve immediately. Leftovers can be refrigerated to enjoy later.

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  1. Yum! This looks good...
    I use butter, cream, black olives and garlic. We love it.

  2. Great memories and a great recipe. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love bowtie pasta and this combo sounds intriguing!

  4. Looks absolutely amazing to me. Sad that of all that friendship group you are the only one left.


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