Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Dehydrated Potato Flakes, my newest culinary obsession.

Sometimes I am easily influenced, and by that I mean a lot of times, and what I really mean is always. As I mentioned last week, I have become quite enamored with Kevin Lee Jacob’s YouTube channel wherein, in his quiet and gentlemanly way, he shares recipes, household tips, and the lovely home and garden that he shares with his partner, “Mr. Fox.” Kevin recently, by way of his videos, turned me onto dehydrated potatoes. Make no mistake, they are not instant mashed potatoes; there are no added ingredients, simply dehydrated potato flakes. There’s a difference. Trust me, I know, and you have to look for them.  It appears that Kevin does most, if not all of the cooking in his household, and he makes good use of dehydrated potatoes to make mashed potatoes to serve with various dishes that he prepares.

The beauty of the dehydrated potatoes, of course, is that you can make small portions. I’m a fan of mashed potatoes, but I hate making them, because I hate all of the trouble involved for just one person, and I am terrible at gauging the amount. I do like the Bob Evans’ mashed potatoes available in the dairy case at the grocery store, but even the small container is too much for me. As a consequence, and influenced by KLJ, I started ferreting out dehydrated potato flakes, and I found some here

At the same time I discovered
these from Bob’s Red Mill, I learned that Bob Moore, founder of Bob's Red Mill and one of the most recognized figures in the natural foods industry, peacefully passed away at his home on Saturday, February 10, 2024, at the age of 94. I was so sorry to hear this. Clearly, at the age of 94, with a successful business under his belt, Bob had a good run. He also changed the way a lot of us shop, but I’m wandering from my point. The point is that I ordered these hoping that Kevin didn’t let me down, and that I could make my life so much easier by making these. I thought they were quite pricey until I realized that I had mistakenly ordered a case of them, so I see a lot of mashed potatoes in my future.

 As it turned out,  they are every bit as good as they appear to be on Kevin’s YouTube channel. Will I stop making my own fresh mashed potatoes? No. But I will make these at least once a week to make my life so much simpler.

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  1. Do they taste like "real"? You've inspired Hubs and me to consider the case on Amazon - it's a much better price per unit for sure. (If we order, we'll order through your link). The reviews are mostly good, but I had to laugh at one that said they preferred Hungry Jack - lol! I'm so tired of buying potatoes at the store and having them sit and sprout before we use them. Although I'd still have to buy them for baked potatoes! ;)

  2. No, they don’t taste like real mashed potatoes, in the same way that I don’t think Bob Evans taste like real mashed potatoes. I do like these though, and I find myself making more mashed potatoes than ever before because of the ease. I also find it easy to add in things like chopped chives, or garlic salt.

  3. Thank you for the info. I will try them!

  4. I’ve seen these at Whole Foods, so you might look there. Also, I tend to add more potato flakes than called for because I like mine a little thicker.

  5. I used to buy instant mashed potatoes on repeat because it was just so darn easy to round out a meal. Nowadays I grab a potato person, plus one for the pot, and I make my own masheds. My son recently showed me the package he used for making potatoes for us like it was new invention he had discovered and wanted to share with me. Ha! As long as he's cooking, instant potatoes it is!

  6. I buy a lot of Gluten free products of Bob's Red Mill as I trust this company. Good to know they also sell potato flakes which I could use for making aloo paratha for myself.


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