Friday, July 19, 2024

Pink Lemonade Martini

A couple of months ago, I bought a bottle of citrus vodka. I am not a vodka drinker, per se, but I have really warmed up to that citrus vodka. In my opinion, it makes everything taste pretty wonderful, and this martini is one of those things. I sipped on it while I watched an episode of ”Detective #24.” It was a lovely evening.

Photo: Melissa’s Produce

½ oz. triple sec

1 oz. fresh Melissa’s pink lemon juice

 ½ oz.simple syrup


If desired, after you have squeezed your lemon, run it around the rim of a martini glass and dip the glass in sugar.

 In a cocktail shaker combine all of the ingredients with ice, shake it until the shaker feels cold, and pour it into a glass. Because I used a large martini glass, I poured mine over ice. This makes one cocktail, but you’re going to want a double.

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  1. Did you know you're a little troublemaker? hummm? lolol
    Lordy, this sounds good!

  2. This looks so refreshing. We don't often drink cocktails, and I prefer gin, but we both like vodka drinks. Citrus vodka is on my list now.

  3. It's a perfect summer cocktail Pattie, and your martini glass is beautiful!

  4. A martini is perhaps my favorite cocktail. Although I do love a good margarita... The lemonade aspect of this definitely has my interest!

  5. How refreshing and perfect for summer! I love the glass.... so cool!


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