Monday, July 8, 2024

Salted Peanut Crisps

Last month I told you about the new Betty Crocker Found Recipes cookbook. I have spent a good bit of time going through that cookbook, and it has been a real struggle trying to decide what to make first. I was in the mood for cookies (When am I not?) so I decided to make these salted peanut cookies. I cut the recipe in half because it claimed to make six dozen, and I thought that was way more than I would need, until I realized that the described six dozen cookies were very small, and I tend to use a cookie scoop for both ease and what I consider to be the perfect size. Once I tasted these, trust me when I tell you, I was sorry I’d cut that recipe in half.
Salted Peanut Crisps
From Betty Crocker Found Recipes*

1½ c. packed brown sugar
½ c. butter, softened
½ c.
vegetable shortening
2 t. vanilla
2 eggs
3 c. Gold Medal all-purpose flour
½ t. salt
½ t. baking soda
2 c.
salted cocktail peanuts
Granulated sugar

Heat oven to 375° F. Lightly grease two cookie sheets with shortening or spray with cooking spray.

In large bowl mix brown sugar, butter, shortening, vanilla, and eggs until well blended. Stir in remaining ingredients except peanuts and granulated sugar. Stir in peanuts.

Shape dough by rounded a teaspoonfuls into balls. Onto each cookie sheet, arrange 12 balls about 2 inches apart. Flatten with bottom of glass dipped in granulated sugar. Bake one cookie sheet 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown.

 Immediately remove from cookie sheet cooling rack. Repeat the second cookie sheet.

Onto completely cooled cookie sheets, continue forming and baking cookies as directed I steps 3 and 4.

 *Originally printed in the 1979 Gold Medal Century of  Success Cookbook.

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  1. I always find the idea of a sweet and salty dessert interesting. These look delicious.

  2. These look really, really good. I got out my old BC 3-ring binder cookbook to see if the recipe is in it, and according to the index it is, but I'm missing that particular page - lol - so I'm glad to have this recipe!

  3. The grands will love these! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh yum, yes please pass the cookies!!


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