Monday, December 23, 2013

Holiday Indulgences with Ham

Creamy Ham Towers

If you bought the HoneyBaked ham like I advised you to do yesterday (you're welcome), you're probably kicking yourself for not buying more.  While hams are available in all sizes to suit any size gathering, I never seem to buy one big enough (read: the size of a Buick), so am always dismayed to see people eating what I'd hoped to have as leftovers. But who can blame them?  These juicy, delicious, tender hams are addicting.

In the off chance that you do have leftovers (I will be needing your street address.) here are some delicious ham recipes to try that will serve you for breakfast or brunch, dinner or lunch, as a side to soup or salad, and give you a zesty snack to nibble on to boot.  Click on the name of the dish beneath the photo to get the recipe.  

Ahhh, the versatility of a HoneyBaked ham!

Crunchy Ham Casserole
Ham Crepes with Sage-Infused Béchamel
Open Face Ham Sandwiches
Ham Spread Diablo
Peace ‘n Plenty’s Ham and Cheddar Rolls
Baked Eggs in Ham Cups

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  1. Those baked eggs and ham in cups looks wonderful wish I had one for breakfast!



  2. Oh My! Looks delicious! Happy Holidays!

  3. I haven't decided on whether I'm making ham for the holidays but I sure am considering it especially after seeing all these "to die for" leftover uses!!! I actually have Mac N Cheese in the oven "as we speak." Since I had some leftover bits of ham in the freezer, I just thew them in. It's going to be gooood:) have my eye on those Creamy Ham Towers, oh goodness:)

    Thank you so much for sharing, Pattie...Just in case I don't make it back before the "big event," wishing you and yours a very Merry:)

  4. So warm and hearty! Thanks for linking up with "Try a New Recipe Tuesday." I hope you will be able to join us again this week. Happy New Year!


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