Monday, December 29, 2014

Top 10 Recipes of 2014

It’s time, once again, to look back on 2014 to see just what your favorite recipes were.   Clearly you all love your sweets!  Here are the top ten for the year, in descending order.  You can click on the name of each for the recipe.
The deliciousness of a Twix bar in a chewy brownie form.
Try to stop eating them.
Think pumpkin pie in cake form.
A drop rather than roll-into-a-ball method; I love the ease of these.
Mr. O-P’s contribution, a white fruitcake as opposed to the dark molasses-based cakes that tend, in my opinion, to not be quite as good. It's an annual tradition in our house.
Potatoes, cream, and smoked Gouda.  Need I say more?
Nothing so easy should taste this good.
Toss out all other recipes, this one is authentic.
Double up on plums when you make this because you will want to make two.
The Everything Bagel in dinner roll form, you will wow your family with this one.

Here's to good eating in 2015!

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  1. Bonjour,

    Il est un peu plus de midi et mes papilles sont surexcitées à la vue de ces bonnes choses ! Je me suis autorisée également un petit retour en arrière sur votre blog... quelle merveille !...
    Allez je retourne derrière mes fourneaux !...
    Je vous embrasse amicalement et vous dis à l'année prochaine !
    Joyeuses fêtes à vous et à tous ceux que vous aimez.

  2. My, my, my, but those are delicious! I wishi had a sampling of each!

    I am joining you in the living vicariously for Christmas Club. My pics were from last year and before. I confess to celebrating in my heart this year, but I did buy ad wrap presents, decorated my table (sort of) and enjoyed Christmas at other people's houses. I decided to give myself the room to recuperate and Mr. Magpie the room to rest.. I hope your husband is better soon.



  3. Your photography is A+, Pattie! Beautiful pictures.
    Happy New Year...

  4. Lots of awesomeness here! Happy new year wishes!

  5. Olá amiga...Feliz ano novo!
    Seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano, harmonioso e de doação.
    Todos somos promotores da Paz...que começa em nossos corações e se estende a tudo que nos rodeia!!!
    Obrigada por fazer parte da minha história de vida!
    UM ABENÇOADO 2015!!!!

  6. It is dangerous to read this post. DANGEROUS, I tell you! ;-)

    I want to eat my way through each recipe.

    I did get some pears and was wondering what you would suggest with them. Stilton cheese? We shared some with a neighbor, but we have a few left.

    I have a giveaway that you might be interested in. It's a tablescaping book and a good one. I would like you to have the chance to win. You might have it already, but I have enjoyed it so much that I thought I would give folks a chance to win it.

    Happy 2015!


    Sheila :-)

  7. Congratulations!
    Your Top Recipes 2014 are featured on Full Plate Thursday this week. Have a great week and enjoy your new Red Plate!
    Happy New Year!
    Miz Helen


Thank you so much for commenting, I love every one of them! I am, however, unable to respond to anonymous comments.