Sunday, September 3, 2017

End of Summer, Touch of Fall Salad

Those of you who live in the heartland like I do are probably experiencing the same phenomenal weather. I cannot remember a better month of August than the one we had this year. To have highs in the upper 70s or low 80s, and nighttime lows dipping into the 50s has me thinking about fall. While I am thinking about fall, I'm not entirely ready to give up summer. This salad reflects those conflicted feelings. I love the fresh blueberries of summer, and yet I always welcome the tastes of fall like pumpkin, cranberries, warm spices, and nuts. In thinking about these feelings, I came up with a salad that captures it all. This is an easy one to throw together, you can use your favorite vinaigrette or the recipe that I have here, and serve it as a side salad, or two big luncheon salads. Whatever you do, you're going to love it.
End of Summer, Touch of Fall Salad

1 head Romaine lettuce
1 3-ounce package
Melissa’s dried cranberries
1/2 cup fresh blueberries
1/3 cup toffee walnuts*
1/4 cup blue cheese crumbles (can use feta or cojita)

Tear lettuce into bite-size pieces. Place it and remaining ingredients into a large bowl. Toss all ingredients together and top with your favorite vinaigrette. This makes four small side salads.

*To make toffee walnuts (or any nut for that matter), in a 9-inch skillet, melt 2 tablespoons granulated sugar over medium high heat, stirring occasionally. When sugar becomes liquid, add nuts, stirring constantly until well coated. Do not allow sugar to burn. When nuts are coated, turn out onto a cold plate. Break apart.

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  1. I understand your sentiments exactly! I love summer the best of all seasons, but there is something about the little bit of chill in the fall that excites me and makes me want to eat warm and cozy food.. Your salad looks delicious.

  2. Salad looks wonderful - I love salads and I think I will whip one up soon.

    So glad that your weather has been so nice. We have had the worst summer I can ever remember. We have had extreme heat over 100 with high humidity from Harvey this past couple of days. Most of July and August have been in the high 90's and I will do a happy dance when it cools off.

    Enjoy your holiday.


  3. I love every single thing in that salad. It looks amazing.

  4. Oh, yeah...this DOES sound good! I'm sitting here as I type scarfing down a stack of blueberry pancakes. More blueberries today? Yes, please!!!

  5. I'm a bit conflicted about the changing seasons also. This beautiful salad is a good pacifier and I will add this to our menu. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story and we hope you will join us again next week.


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