Friday, July 13, 2018

Grape Salad with Toffee Almonds

I have seen other grape salads, in fact, I have made other grape salads (like this one here.), that really push the “salad“ boundary to the limit. Let’s face it; a lot of grape salads really aren’t salads at all, but delicious desserts.

Because this is Muscato grape season, and because I love grapes, I try to use them in as many ways as possible, including green salad, chicken salad, coleslaw, and yes, a salad all their own. But, it occurred to me that to be able to truly call this a salad, it needed a vegetable or two. So, I turned the traditional dessert-y-type of grape salad on its head, and added actual salad ingredients. It doesn’t lose a thing when it comes to great taste, but gains a little bit when it comes to nutrition. If you’re looking to sneak some vegetables into your family’s meals, you can hide them fairly well here.
Grape Salad with Toffee Almonds

1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup sour cream
1/3 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Pinch of cinnamon
1 3-pound pkg.
Melissa’s Organic Red Muscato Grapes
½ cup chopped celery
2 Tablespoons grated carrot
1/2 cup toffee almonds (find recipe here), plus extra for garnish

In a large mixing bowl, beat together cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon. Fold in grapes, celery, carrots, and almonds. Refrigerate at least one hour. Serve in one large, or eight individual serving dishes topped with a few toffee almonds.

For a refreshing salad that uses a variety of grapes, try this Fresh Grape Salad.

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  1. I love grape salad and usually use pecans, but I can't wait to try it with your toffee almonds, yum!

  2. I love the idea of adding a few veggies to this salad. I do think that it wouldn't change the taste much, but add a little more crunch. The Toffee Almonds are a plus. Thank you for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things.

  3. This sounds delicious! I'll be featuring your recipe at Best of the Weekend tomorrow night! Thanks for sharing with us!


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