Monday, January 14, 2019

Nose Warmer

Over the weekend about a foot of snow was dumped on St. Louis and its environs. I live in the environs. I never mind a good snowfall, particularly when warm days are ahead, and it won’t be around for long. I love to curl up by the fire and watch those big, fat flakes, swirl to the ground, read a good book, binge-watch my favorite British television programs, and hunker down until spring.

This morning I declared that I am officially in “storm mode.” I ran out of milk, so had to put Bailey’s in my coffee. Because I generally drink 4 cups of coffee in the morning, I mentioned to my sons that one of them should come over later to pick me up off of the floor. If not that, then at least throw a blanket over me.

This, of course, got me to thinking about warm coffee drinks, so this afternoon I dug around in my recipe stash until I found one that sounded particularly tasty. It’s called a Nose Warmer — most appropriate for this cold weather — and I am enjoying it by the fire.

Nose Warmer

1 cup of hot coffee (I LOVE this one!)
1/4 oz. Kahlúa
1/4 oz. Bailey's
1/4 oz. Grand Marnier
1/4 oz. Frangelica
1/4 oz. dark crème de cacao

Add the liqueurs to the coffee, top with whipped cream and garnish with cinnamon or cinnamon-rim the cup (if you're feeling energetic).
Serves 1

Another favorite winter warmer is Sweater Weather Swirl. You might want to give this a try as well, providing you have no place to go.

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  1. I envy you the snow AND the drink!

  2. Yes, Please!!! Can I have one of those right now pretty please?

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Il est vrai que la présence de la neige incite au calme, au repos... et l'envie d'une bonne tasse de boisson chaude...

    Merci pour la recette de ce café particulier.

    Gros bisous 🌸

  4. We finally got snow last night into this morning with the recent storm so this sounds really good right now :)


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