Sunday, January 13, 2019

Meal Plan Monday #6 - Revisiting Family Recipes

This week I’m cooking using other people’s recipes that have proved themselves to be so good over the years.

Sunday — Jim's Steak Diane, baked potato, green salad

Monday — My Mother’s Cauliflower Soup, fruit, rolls

Tuesday —
Millie’s Meatballs, wedge salad

Thursday — Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, Strawberry Shortcake with My Grandma's Vanilla Sauce

Friday — Something from the freezer

Saturday — Meatloaf Sandwiches, chips,
My Mom's Apple Crisp

Do you have favorite family recipes from your mother or grandmother? How often to you make them?

This week’s place setting; to see more of this table, click here.


  1. I love reading your meal plans and enjoy re-visiting the recipes. I've added cauliflower to the grocery list to make your Mom's soup.
    I make my Granny's sugar cookie recipe every Christmas. I have a lot of Mom's recipes, but mostly I make things the way I remember her making them. Today I'm making a chuck roast exactly the way the used to prepare it before we went to Sunday school and church on Sundays. If the preacher went too long, we'd have a few burnt edges, and that's how I like it to this day!

  2. I have so many of Mom's recipes...when I miss her a lot,there's 3 things she made that were my favorite and still are...
    Chicken and Dumplin's
    Red Beans
    White cake with Fudge Candy Icing.


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