Friday, May 31, 2019

The Deck Garden 2019

Continuing my tradition of spending $300 on supplies in order to yield $25 worth of fresh produce, I got my deck garden planted this week. I am awaiting the arrival of a trellis so that I can plant my gourds, but other than that, it seems to be finished. It was nice to have a normal day after so many months of upset.
Naturally, I will be adding to this in the next couple of weeks, during which time I also plan to buy plants for the covered portion of the deck (the lanai). I thought buying 12 40-pound sacks of potting soil would be enough, but it would appear not. So, back to the garden center I head midweek.
I decided to do something different this year. Instead of growing plants that I can easily buy at the grocery store relatively cheaply (carrots, radishes, scallions), I decided to grow a wider variety of tomatoes, including heirlooms, as well as green beans, and cauliflower.
I cut back on the number of herbs that I normally grow, because I found that they were taking up space and I wasn’t using them (fennel, dill, sage, thyme). I may change my mind when they all go on sale for 50% off at a pop-up garden place that I frequent, but other than that I am growing massive amounts of basil and parsley, because I use massive amounts of basil and parsley. I also have rosemary that I overwinter every year. 
My newest, perhaps most exciting addition, is ginger. I ordered it from Baker’s Heirloom Seeds in Manchester, MO, and, as it is suited for my region, I’m hoping for the best. I use a lot of ginger in Asian cooking, so I’m interested in having the freshest of the fresh.
 I’ve been watching British garden shows on BritBox, and so decided to add more flowers to the garden, so this year I am growing a beautiful multi-pedaled pink Morning Glory, as well as zinnias, petunias, impatiens, and purple Cathedral Bells. The latter is a first for me, and I’m hoping it produces. 
What I also learned from the British gardening shows (and what should have been obvious to me, but somehow wasn’t), is to LABEL the plants, and I did so with these wonderful Zinc Plant Markers that come with their own carbon pencil.
I also decided to have a bit of fun, and grow gourds. Believe it or not, this was the most difficult decision I had to make, because there are so many varieties available. I truly found some amazing things, including the "R"-rated Elever Pumpkin that resembles male genitalia. Don't believe me? Click here (but first, have the kids and grandma leave the room).
Unlike last year, I seriously hope to keep you updated on my deck garden throughout the summer. I feel very fortunate this year that May has been seasonal. Last year, we moved into May and it immediately hit 90° and stayed there until October.

What do you have growing?

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  1. All I have planted this season is landscaping. If I can ever get motivated to finish it by laying new sod in the yard it will be a mother planted green beans in addition to many things. She says they are easy to grow in Texas. Now she has so many green beans she can't give them away fast enough!

  2. I had all my flower beds and veggies growing beautifully by first of May. 2 weeks ago it started raining and as a result of days of rain, our lake house yards all flooded. Where my beds were most beautiful they sat under 8 ft of water and have now drowned. So sad.
    So we took off to Florida beaches and haven’t gone back yet!!

  3. Awk! I am so sorry to hear about the flooding. How exasperating to put in so much work and hope, and have something like that happen. Still, when the waters recede, a miracle could occur, so hang in there. And enjoy Florida!

  4. Patty,
    Love this post- so true- $300 in supplies to yield $25 but I also love to grow on my deck. You have inspired me. I was thinking of skipping it this year because of the cost, but maybe i'll just do herbs because I love using the fresh herbs.thanks

  5. Pattie, I'm amazed! I'd love a wide shot of all your deck garden. I need to look back on your posts when you were building that deck to see how large it is. You always have the neatest things - I love those labels. Your plants look so pretty. Isn't it rewarding? I laughed out loud at your first sentence and read it to my husband. He chukled and said yes we do the same thing plus add in the cost of watering - lol!
    Are you growing tomatoes from seed? Last year I had the worst luck I've ever had with tomato seeds, so this year it was Bonnie's plants from Lowe's for me. But I miss the variety, PLUS apparently Bonnie mislabeled at least 6 beefsteaks, and they are the size of Campari tomatoes - UGH! So next year I may have to try again to insure I get the beefsteaks I want. And I love, love heirloom tomatoes, and the seed companies have nice varieties.
    Like you I'm growing flowers with the veggies, and I love the butterflies and bees they bring to the garden. My dream garden is a cottage garden.

  6. I still haven't planted anything in my pots on my deck... I keep saying I"m going to...

  7. I missed this post, but life's been crazy so I've been missing a bunch of posts, sorry!! Had to pop over and see what you planted....I sure hope you keep us updated with photos as the season goes on!!


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