Friday, July 30, 2021

Jungle Nights Tablescape

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This table setting came about quite by accident. I was folding clothes and pieces of yardage that I had laundered for storage. I had turned the right sides together on a large piece of black denim, and found the wrong side to be quite interesting. I spread it out on top of the table, and it gave me a kind of a jungle feel. Does this, or does this not remind you of snakeskin? It did me, and I could just see that snake dangling out of a tropical tree. A jungle theme, I thought, and here is the result.

The conservatory that was completed in the spring (for those of you who have followed me for sometime let me just say that the lanai is no more) definitely has a jungle vibe. I pulled the monkey bookends off of the bookshelves, grabbed some books, a pair of Amiri fans, plants, and piled it up in the center. A few plates later and the table was done.

 The centerpiece is really the star of this show. Nearly all of it I inherited from my mother. The delightful monkeys were hers as well as the trio of Moroccan lanterns (A good selection of these can be found on Amazon, beginning here.).

 Plants are straight from the conservatory.

 The chargers are Bordallo Pinheiro geranium leaf plates; the square dinner plates are on old offering from Rachael Ray. They are no longer available, but you can get something similar here.

  The bamboo-handled flatware is always fun to use and works perfectly in an exotic setting.

 I wanted to mix things up a bit and add some sparkle, so I used my mother’s crystal knife rests. It’s not often that you see these, I can tell you! Hers are vintage, but you can find something similar here.

 The stemware was my mother’s as were the napkins. The stemware is Fostoria, and was discontinued years ago, but a similar version can be found here.

 The wonderful bamboo bordered palm and banana tree salad plates are by Fitz and Floyd. Two different tree designs are on these plates, the design is called “Cape Town.”

 I hope that you enjoyed viewing this table as I did creating it.

  This post is linked to:

Tablescape Thursday





  1. I love this Pattie! The monkeys are wonderful and the lanterns look great...the bamboo flatware is perfect, and looks so good with the palm tree plates! Fun stuff!

  2. Holy primates, Batman!!!!!! This is cool!!! And you’re so right…that tablecloth has a reptilian look to it. I can almost FEEL the slither!!!!!😵‍💫 I like how you were able to create something so cool by simply shopping your home. It feels like such a victory when that happens!!!!!!! You DEFINITELY emerged victorious!!!

  3. Yes I did enjoy viewing it! It's stunning and fun and I love the way you mixed things up with the crystal knife rests. Your plants really shine in this theme. Clever to be able to use the back of your fabric and have it inspire you so!


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