Friday, May 31, 2024

Coconut Tres Lèche with a Kick

I had never heard of a Tres Leche cake until about 15 years ago when my mother and I were dining out, and she ordered it for dessert by mistake. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it until she tasted it, and then it became one of her favorites. Naturally, because I wanted to please her, I found a recipe and started making it on my own. It’s now one of my favorites as well. I particularly like this one because it employs the use of coconut milk in place of the evaporated milk, coconut itself, and rounding out the trio, coconut rum! This is a wonderfully refreshing cake to enjoy during the summer. It’s light, delicious, and makes you feel as though you are on a tropical getaway.Coconut Tres Lèche with a Kick


1 (15.25- oz) box white cake mix

Ingredients on box to make the cake (oil, egg whites, water)

1 t. coconut extract

½ t. clear vanilla flavoring

½ c. flaked coconut

1 (14- oz) can sweetened condensed milk

1 (15- oz can) Cream of Coconut*

¼ c. coconut rum

 Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting:

8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature

1 c. powdered sugar

1½ c. heavy whipping cream

2 T. coconut rum

½ t. coconut extract

½ c. flaked coconut to garnish, optional

 Preheat oven to 350°F. Spray a 9”x13” baking dish with Baker’s Joy; set aside.

Prepare cake according to package directions, adding in 1 teaspoon coconut extract and ½ teaspoon clear vanilla flavorings with the liquids. Fold ½ cup flaked coconut into batter and then spread into prepared pan.

 Bake according to package directions. Cake is done when an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

 While cake is baking stir together sweetened condensed milk and Cream of Coconut; set aside. When cake is done, poke holes evenly all over the top using a large fork while it’s still hot. Immediately pour sweetened condensed milk mixture evenly on top of cake, and allow cake to cool completely.

 To prepare frosting: In a bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment mix cream cheese and powdered sugar together until smooth. Add in heavy cream and extract and mix on medium-high speed until stiff peaks form. Spread frosting onto cooled cake and garnish with flaked coconut.

 Chill cake for at least 2 hours before serving. Store airtight in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

 * If you used 2 tablespoons of cream of coconut out of this can to make yourself a delicious Nashville Bushwhacker, that’s not a problem. It works just as well with 13 ounces as it does with 15 ounces.


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  1. This looks and sounds delicious!

  2. Just gained 5 pounds...sigh...lolol

  3. This looks so fluffy and delicious!

  4. Wonderful recipe Pattie! Did your Mom like this one? If Hubs doesn't care, I'll make this instead of his fave coconut cream pie for his birthday.

  5. Oh Pattie, my mouth is watering, I can't wait to make this! I have been craving coconut cake and I love that you used a doctored cake mix, my favorite way to bake. Thank you!


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