Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Nashville Bushwhacker


Recently I reviewed a unique cookbook called Ticket to Ride: The Official Cookbook by Alan R. Moon. If you haven’t yet, read that review, you can find it here. One of the recipes in that cookbook that turned my head was this adult milkshake/cocktail that is sooooo delicious. It’s easy to throw together in a mini blender, and goes down smooth.

  Nashville Bushwhacker

2 oz. dark rum or whiskey
2 oz. Kahlúa
2 oz. crème de cacao
2 oz.
Cream of Coconut
2 oz. milk
1 c. ice

Place in the bowl of a high-speed blender, and blend.

 Garnish with whipped cream, nutmeg, and a stemmed cherry.

 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


Donna said...

Oh Lordy, Girl!! lolol
Where's my blender...lol

Marie Smith said...

They sound tasty! Yum!

Linda said...

YUM! And I wonder how this would be with a scoop of ice cream thrown in! How do you store your leftover cream of coconut?

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...
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Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Linda, I used the rest of it in coconut cake (posted May 31), but you can freeze it if you like.