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If you are a cheese lover like I am, and I mean a
SERIOUS cheese lover, brace yourself for some exciting news! Abrams Books is
about to release the most fabulous, beautiful, informative, clever, unique book
about cheese that I have ever seen. Cheese, Sex, Death: A Bible for the Cheese
Obsessed by Erika Kubik is a winner from
beginning to end. From the beautiful end pages featuring images of stained glass windows each
depicting a different cheese, to the clever, biblical design, eye-catching
fonts, and informative introduction, this is the only cheese book that you will
ever need.
It is divided into two sections: The Old Testament of Cheesus (sic), and the
New Testament of Cheesus. In the former you will find The Book of Creation, The
Ten Commandments of Cheese, and The Book of Cheese Types. The Book of Creation
begins with The Gospel of Cheesus. The latter section contains information on
buying, storing, serving, tasting, pairing, plating, and recipes!
Brightly illustrated
with a clever stained glass window theme throughout, there are also beautiful,
mouthwatering pictures. The text is fascinating. You will learn about the
beginning of cheese dating back to 6500 BC. A book on a subject such as cheese
may not sound as interesting as it is, but let me tell you, I have been reading
this book like a novel.
The Timeline of Cheesus is fascinating. Learning about the entire process of
cheesemaking, the stages of ripening, the various colors, textures, milk types,
all makes for delicious reading.
The section describing various cheeses including history, correct
pronunciation, milk type, intensity, pairings, and more,
will teach you everything that you need to know about cheese. Along the way,
you will no doubt rethink the way you have both eaten and served cheese in the
past, becoming more creative and daring.
The section on plating is both beautiful and inspiring. A wide variety of
themes are offered including Whiskey Plate, Spring Cheaster Plate, Munchie
Plate, and many more; the Cheesemas Plate is a thing of beauty.
Helpful information on cooking with cheeses including tips and tools
precede the recipes, one appearing more delicious than the next. Each one gives
you information on how to select the proper cheese, as well as pairings, and
variations that you can make.
This book sounds hilarious, from the stained glass cheese pics to the Old and New Testaments of Cheesus! I can see how a (humorous!) history of cheese would be compelling. As a kid, I was fascinated by the Mr. Rogers episode where they showed how to make cheese by separating the curds and whey. It really stuck with me!
What a crazy fun book! Who doesn't love cheese!!!
I am like that kid Urkel on that 90s TV series. I LOVE cheese!!! I don’t eat as much of it as I used to, but I relish every chance I get. I’m always so happy to go to a party where there is a cheese display. I get to taste cheeses I’ve never tried without expense! Before stupid COVID, one of my favorite holiday things to do was go to Sam’s and Costco to get in on their cheese sampling’s. I’ll be so glad when we can do that again! And, much like bacon, cheese makes EVERYTHING taste better!!! FUN book!
You've done an amazing job describing the book, and what a nice gift it would make!
BUT where is the source for that gorgeous cheese knife? It's adorable!!
Hoped you would have info, as you're so good at sources when you describe your tablescapes.
Regardless, I enjoy your blog
Aren’t those cheese knives the best, Michelle? I doubt that they’re still available, but I got them at Michael’s. Surprising, no? Shop online, you’ll find some amazing things online that do not show up in the store. Check next year, maybe you’ll get lucky.
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