Thursday, June 13, 2024

Slow Cooker Apple Bourbon Baked Beans

My parents used to have a very large house at the Lake of the Ozarks. Every holiday, all five of those bedrooms were filled, many sections of the floor covered in sleeping bags, and it was always a whirlwind of activity. Some people would be out fishing, others boating, I would be in the water with my friends, the men would be stoking the outdoor barbecue, and the women in the kitchen working on desserts and sides, and happily chattering away. I don’t think I appreciated those times nearly as much as I probably should have.

My number two son, now in his 30s, caught his first fish at the lake. 
But before I bring all of you down with sweet nostalgia, I’ll tell you that one of the ways I deal with holidays, now lacking all of the senior family members with whom I used to enjoy them, is to make myself a good, holiday meal. For me this past Memorial Day that meant pork steaks, my grandma‘s mustard potato salad, deviled eggs, and baked beans. I have a lot of good recipes for baked beans, but wanted to vary from what I normally do by looking up recipes online, and adding my own special spin. These turned out to be phenomenal! I ate more of them than I probably should, but I could not stop. They were that good.Slow Cooker Apple Bourbon Baked Beans

2 22-oz. cans baked beans

2 21-oz. cans apple pie filling

1 small onion, diced

½ c. BBQ sauce

1 12-oz. pkg. bacon, cooked and rough chopped

¼ c. bourbon

Brown Sugar Bourbon seasoning

Place all ingredients into a 6-quart slow cooker in the order listed. Give it a good stir, and cook on low for 4-5 hours; high for 2-3 hours. Serve hot.


gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I always enjoy your stories Pattie. The baked bean recipe looks really interesting with the pie filling. That is am ingredientt that is really new to me in a baked bean recipe!!! Interesting

Gina said...

I am printing this recipe right now. And I will find a good excuse to add it into the next family get together!

Marie Smith said...

Great memories! Interesting to add pie filling to beans…and bourbon.

Linda said...

Apple pie filling - wow - as soon as I saw that I thought, yes that would be delicious! The bourbon is just icing on the delicious cake. ;) said...

I love the addition of bourbon! And I'm going to order that Brown Sugar Bourbon Seasoning, my son will love it! Thanks Pattie!