Friday, November 17, 2023

Make Your Own Seasoned Salt

I’m beginning to feel as if I am easily influenced. I say this because a friend suggested that I might like a YouTube channel called Homeworthy. (She was right, of course.) This channel offers homeowner-conducted tours of various and unique houses around the world. The one that spoke to me the most was the home of Louisiana textile artist, Rebecca Vizard. Not only did I come away from that video with a major girl crush on Vizard, but her home is one that I could completely relax in and feel comfortable, and I don’t say that often, if ever.

Screen shot from YouTube Homeworthy.   
Her home, like a fine wine, evolved and improved with age. I have said before that I can walk into someone’s home and know immediately if I can be friends with that person. When I saw Vizard’s home, I wanted her to adopt me. It is a true reflection of the ever-changing lives of herself and her family. Warm, welcoming, fascinating, and unique, it was full of fabulous pieces of furniture, each with its own story, as well as a vast array of curiosities.

Photo from Woodworks by Clarice on Etsy.
One of the things that impressed me was the fact that she and her husband make their own seasoned salt in a weathered wooden bowl on their dining table. (The salt is for sale here.) I always love learning new things, and this intrigued me. Yet again, I spent a late night, searching the Internet, including a brief exchange with Vizard herself (This was thrilling, I can tell you.) wherein she advised I use sea salt, rather than kosher in my batch. Sea salt, I soon learned, is not inexpensive, but I did manage to find reasonable bags of Maldon, Himalayan, and Celtic. Having placed that order, I set out to find the perfect wooden bowl. Most unexpectedly I found one on Etsy that shipped from the UK. (On sale! Woot! Woot!) Not only do I feel as though the UK is my home away from home, but I was thrilled to have a piece by a UK artist. I now have my seasoning salt on my dining table, periodically add fresh herbs, and give it a stir. This has been a wonderful learning experience, and a fun project, with a usable result. What more could a person ask?

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Donna said...

How interesting! I think I'll be doing the same here...
Thanks for the tip!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Love the wooden bows. Is the last one yours? Do you keep the salt covered?

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

Judee, yes the last bowl is mine. Yes, I do keep it covered occasionally with a cloth napkin.

Linda said...

What an interesting post, and that salt looks divine - I bet it makes everything taste just a wee bit better.
Gosh what a gorgeous bowl! Will the next post be your personal tour of Vizard's home? I love that you are fan-girling her. :D

Marie Smith said...

I use sea salt occasionally for seasoning seafood. We use little salt however.

Gina said...

Gosh, I love projects like this and that bowl is fantastic. I love to combine the dibs and dabs of leftover spices with some salt and keep it by my stove in an old salt shaker. Living on the edge, because you never know what the results will be!